Mission Statement

To connect patients and caregivers to dystrophin-related muscular dystrophies literature and resources using visualizations.

The Team


Luke M. B. Perrin



B. Scott Perrin Jr., PhD

Software Engineer

Our Model

This is currently a hobby to disseminate known tools for understanding dystrophinopathies and treatment options. These tools are developed in Scott's free time (usually when Luke is behaving during clinic visits).

Each visual is currently isolated with very specific data sets (hopefully clearly described near the visual). Plans for a more unified data set are in progress, but at the pace you can assume for the hobby of a father of three. Feel free to reach out to Scott and motivate him to work on your preferred visual(s).


In addition to disemminating the latest dysrophinopathy research, we are also focused on raising funds for DMD and BMD research though Perrin Power.

If you would like to donate to our cause, Please consider donating to the following organizations: